Project A01 | Michael Potente
Metabolic surveillance of endothelial growth state

Project A02 | Sofia-Iris Bibli
Metabolic regulation of the endothelial cell damage responses

Project A03 | Ralf Brandes
Redox control of the vascular damage response

Project A04 | Nina Wettschureck
Damage-induced adaptation of G protein-coupled receptor signalling

Project A05| Mauro Siragusa
Microprotein-mediated resonses to vascular damage

Project A06 | Stefan Offermanns
Cardiovascular damage protection by APP/APLP2

Project A07 | Ivan Đikić,
Michael Potente
Vascular damage control by deubiquitinases

Project A08| Christian Münch
Mitochondrial unfolded protein response in the damage response of the stroma-vascular compartment

Project A09 | Katrin Schäfer
Vascular phenotype and fibrosis control by phosphatases